Commercial Real estate Investment firm

Providing Easy Access To Real Estate Opportunities.

So, You Can Build Generational Wealth And Live An Intentional Life By Design

Your Passive Investment Guide- For Busy Professionals

Passive Investments made easy - For busy professionals

We understand that navigating the world of real estate investing can be overwhelming and time-consuming. That’s why we make it easy for you, so you can focus on what matters most without adding to your already busy schedule. By investing passively in real estate syndications, you can enjoy the benefits of real estate – cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits – without the hassle of being a landlord.

We offer busy Engineers and other accredited investors access to exclusive investment opportunities and the peace of mind of having experienced professionals with strong track records manage their investments.

Our goal is to help you achieve your dreams of retiring early, creating a legacy for your family, and live a life by design through real estate investing. Let us show you the way to financial freedom and stability through real estate investing.

How it works

Start Here

Start by joining Astre Capital, a community of like-minded individuals seeking financial freedom through passive real estate investment, with a focus on early retirement and building wealth for their families.



Once you join, we’ll help you evaluate if passive real estate investing aligns with your objectives and provide you with the necessary resources to achieve your goals “


We’ll share great real estate investment deals and guide you through the process of investing passively in commercial real estate syndications.


Relax and Enjoy

Congratulations! Enjoy your monthly cashflow. With Every investment, you are one step closer to building legacy for your family.

Want to create long lasting generational wealth?

Are you focused on capital preservation and monthly Cash flow ?

Need strong risk adjusted returns ?

Commercial real estate including Multifamily is one of the best investment vehicles for building wealth and one of the fastest roads to financial freedom chosen by many successful investors. It generates predictable cashflow and provides substantial tax benefits.

We are Astre Capital, a trusted name in syndicated real estate investment opportunities. Based in New Jersey, we specialize in commercial multi-family real estate properties throughout the US. Our goal is to identify, acquire, manage, and rebrand apartment buildings to achieve above-average growth while taking on below-average risk.

To achieve our objective, we seek high-quality properties, with broad value-add potential, in fast-growing metropolitan areas.


Existing properties immediately cash flow, due to existing rental income, allowing investors to begin receiving monthly income checks as soon as 30 days after buying a property.


potential can come from rebranding, repositioning, or targeted renovations to upgrade the property. In each case, we can accelerate appreciation through the implementation of our precise strategies.

Rent Growth

The 5 year rent growth forecast is one of our key indicators. We use a powerful proprietary method to calculate this value.


We look for metros and submarkets that are adding a significant number of high-paying jobs, resulting in a stable local economy.

Sales Trends

We continuously monitor local sales to compute cap rates and determine whether our cap rates are on target to reach our projections.

Supply And Demand

We monitor the supply of local units carefully to ensure it will not spike the vacancy rates and negatively impact rents.


The-Court at Redstone- India Land-SC 266 Unit

The Court at Redstone India Land-SC 266 Unit

morris-at-the-belmont NC 148Unit

Morris at the belmont NC 148 Unit

“I invested in astrecapital’ project because I liked their data driven approach to analysis and conservative underwriting. So far results have been delightful as the project has outperformed the projections and continues to perform well even during the coronavirus crisis. I also appreciate the fact that Astre Capital is easily available and they make it a point to communicate personally to address any questions I might have.”
- Ian Maclean

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